Here are a couple of nice dagger-related Tattoos done on the few days before our Christmas break. The first is on Jeff, and the latter is a Navy design for Chris, who is stationed in Hawaii. Knives and daggers make great Tattoos- especially when they're jabbing through things, or when they're used in tall, narrow spaces- as you can see here. Thanks, Guys!!
The Work of Mr. Andy
Thanks for visiting the Flying Tiger Tattoo Blog! This page will feature the art of shop owner Mr. Andy, as well as shop events, goings on, or what ever else seems important or awesome. Shop hours are Monday through Saturday 12-10pm and Sunday 12-5pm. Our address and phone number are listed in the banner above. Feel free to call or stop by!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Coming Up Roses.
When I suggested that Griffin get the second rose in this design with the word "Vanilli" written above it, it was just about the most inappropriate joke I had ever spoken. It turns out these two Tattoos are dedicated to his late Grandmothers, who were both awesome Ladies. What a nice, classic design with a great sentiment behind it! I was glad to see anyone, let alone a young guy, humbly attempt to show the proper appreciation towards the Women in his life. And so, once again, I finished another sweet Tattoo with my foot in my mouth!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Staygold-This Weekend.
After a short hiatus, Sagent Staygold will be back at Flying Tiger Tattoo this weekend- December 8th through the 11th. This time around he's got a brand new book he's put out himself full of tons of awesome paintings that he has been working on over the past few years. For information on this fine publication, or to grab a spot in the chair (if there are any left) you can find him at, or just stop in and say hey!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Hello, hello. To our dismay, our very own Nick B. will be leaving Flying Tiger Tattoo to venture back to his hometown of Fort Wayne, Indiana. But not to fear- for young Nick will be Tattooing his heart out at Cardinal Tattoo up in the Fort, and visiting Cincinnati on a semi-regular basis. I wish I had some sort of montage of awesome times with Nick B. to show here, but I don't, so you'll just have to trust me when I say that he will be missed by everyone here- and hunted down and beaten if he ever stops visiting:)
On that note, we've been able to rest easy in light of Nick's departure- not only because Cardinal Tattoo is a great shop full of great people, and an awesome place for him to land- but since Andy Blair has decided to come work with us here at the shop! Andy does really great tattoos, and is an all-around good guy, so come by the shop and see him! In the meantime, you can find links to everyone's work ( Nick B., Cardinal Tattoo, Andy Blair, et al.) at -Goodbye!
On that note, we've been able to rest easy in light of Nick's departure- not only because Cardinal Tattoo is a great shop full of great people, and an awesome place for him to land- but since Andy Blair has decided to come work with us here at the shop! Andy does really great tattoos, and is an all-around good guy, so come by the shop and see him! In the meantime, you can find links to everyone's work ( Nick B., Cardinal Tattoo, Andy Blair, et al.) at -Goodbye!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Here is the only decent picture- taken on my cellphone- after an Eight-and-a-Half hour sitting with my old friend Eric. Shown is the Japanese Wind God Fujin, who is half of the pair of Furies that Eric had Tattooed in that long session. Raijin, the Thunder God, was unsuccessfully photographed, so I hope to show him soon. This is easily the longest anyone has ever stayed in my chair by far, and the outcome was a great experience all-around. You can still see how angry his skin was after such a great task- so, in a way, I feel like this crumby cellphone pic really depicts the seriousness of the whole event. Awesome, Eric!

That's Progress!
Jason has remained dedicated for months now, and has finished the chest-panels and short-sleeves of his bodysuit. We most recently added some leaves, clouds, and a kite to his left side, along with another humorous tie-in of an old comic book image on his inner bicep. He is way ahead of you. Try harder :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
That Ended Well.
This classic-style Lantern Tattoo was really a good choice. Besides the clean lines and ample black shading that you'll find in most Old School designs, this particular image presented me the opportunity to do a few newer things. In specific, limiting the color palette and shading the Roses in a much different way than usual made for an awesome experience all around. Pushing boundaries, even in small ways, can really feel good- and I'm grateful for having had the chance!
Monday, October 31, 2011
...and Justice for All.
Carey drove a heck of a long way to get this awesome, classic-style Lady Liberty. It was so fun to do- and what a seriously proper idea! Thanks for the great pick!
Monday, October 24, 2011
A New Guest Artist!
This November 3rd through 5th Jamie Elliot will be visiting Flying Tiger Tattoo for the first time. If you would like to get ahold of him for an appointment, you can find a link in the "friends" section of our website @
We are looking forward to it, Mate!!
We are looking forward to it, Mate!!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Shark Attack!!!
My good friends Lew and Ben are doing awesome things in their basement as of lately. Namely, they have been hand pressing, cutting, and screening some of the best skateboards that I have ever had the privilege of standing on. If you would like to check out their craftsmanship, go to, or click their link in our sidebar, and witness the radness! As current I am their Art Mercenary, so here is a sample of what you will see on all of their first boards and t-shirts. I originally intended to show a flick of their Panhead shape that I skate on the daily, but Mr.Shark's face has already been melted off of that one due to repeated Rock-and-Roll abuse, so here's the t-shirt. Get some Fickle Wood and go skate!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Sagent Staygold!
Sagent Staygold should be arriving at CVG Airport as I type, and will be tattooing today through Sunday the 9th of October. Come by and get an awesome tattoo from him at our new spot! Remember- we're just three doors south of our old location. 6081 Montgomery rd. Sage is a workhorse, and if he isn't already booked up, he will be soon- so hurry up and get your appointment! Thanks!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
We've Moved!!
Flying Tiger Tattoo has moved just a few doors South of our old location- to 6081 Montgomery Rd. Cincinnati, Oh 45213. If you come by to see us in the next week, please keep in mind we are still finishing up the remodel on the storefront. We should be looking really good by mid-week, and the inside of the shop is already super-nice! Just a few finishing touches, and Flying Tiger will be in full-force!! Come see it!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Chris picked a really nice owl for his chest, which we finally got to finish a couple of days ago. Here's the final product fresh from under the machine. Winged beasts of all types- real or mythical- make awesome tattoos. Adding lightning to the composition makes the design that much cooler. Thanks, Chris! 
Monday, September 5, 2011
The Mighty Tengu!
Jason has been faithfully chipping away at his Japanese Bodysuit Tattoo for months now. The latest addition, on his right arm, was an image of the Tengu. Some say the Tengu were fable or myth- others claim them to have been renegade Monks in disguise- but these Birdmen were most known for swooping down from Japan's misty mountaintops to teach the common man the Art of the Sword. We were also able to tie one of Jason's existing tattoos into the stylized background in a pretty humorous way. I feel both privileged and excited to be working on this project!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Yer Mum.
Here's a freshly finished Oni with Snake and Crysanthemums. I was particularly excited about the fact that I was allowed to put crazy, googley eyes in- Most people aren't into them for some reason. I think they were a wise decision. The image is a simple representation of life and death, and the squiglley, venomous line between the two. In other words, It just looks cool:) 
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Real Men Wear Flowers
Casey wanted a nice tattoo as a dedication to his Daughter- something feminine enough to represent her, but simple enough to make a good tattoo. Nothing too deep or contrived. In these cases, flowers never fail, and a Lotus was the perfect pick! Really great and beautiful things pop up in the most seemingly unlikely environments sometimes.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The Key to Life
I just found a bunch of photos that I had forgotten about, and in that bunch were these two keys- both done on the same day, both on equally excellent fellows named Chris. Coincidence?
Friday, August 5, 2011
Shark Week!
Griffin takes Shark Week very seriously. This time around he opted to commemorate the event with a nice little classic-style tattoo. Okay, so MAYBE it was just a coincidence that he happened to get this during said television event, but I'm not so sure... What I am sure about is Griffin's good sense of humor- If you look closely, you'll notice the shark has one gold tooth! 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Where You Been?
This is an official apology to anyone who has tried to patronize, visit, or get in contact with us at the shop. Over the past nine days we have been cleaning up and sanitizing the shop after a massive flood from the apartments upstairs. We should be good to go by tomorrow, although the shop won't be as pretty for awhile. Cleanliness and quality are our main priorities- then cosmetics. So, if you come to get tattooed or set an appointment in the next few weeks, please excuse our mess. We are looking at this as an opportunity, at this point, to move forward in to better things. More details on that to come...
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
To Tha Dome!
Andrew Protsman had a hell of a time in Cincinnati this weekend. After a long car ride all the way from Ft.Wayne, Indiana, he endured a solid Four-And-A-Half hours of tattooing, witnessed the shop flooding via the cieling, and waited for three hours of mandatory emergency room time after a nasty spill outside! In the end, we were all glad that he came out okay, and his freshly-finished half-sleeve became the highlight of his eventful journey to Flying Tiger Tattoo. That last photo is the new mouth Protsman gave himself, just in case the one on the front of his head fails him in some way....
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Jeff has always picked nice tattoos, but his latest addition is my favorite so far! He and I have gotten to the point where he really gives me room to run with his ideas. Mint green skull with magenta teeth? No problem! He fully trusts my imagination, and I feel like it has paid off in skin! Unending gratitude, my friend!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Steve Finished His Sleeve!
In mid-October, 2010 we began tattooing this sleeve on a monthly basis, and were making great progress. Then- BAM!- Steve got transferred to Michigan by his job. So, after a three month hiatus, he made the journey back to our fine establishment and did what all Men must eventually do- he finished what he started! Well done! Please pardon the swelling.....
Sagent's Coming Back!
It's about that time again! This coming weekend Sagent Staygold will be back in town to do some serious tattooing. Be sure to get ahold of him ahead of time if you'd like some work done- his spots book up pretty fast.
We're looking forward to the visit, as always!
We're looking forward to the visit, as always!
Monday, June 6, 2011
The Arsenal
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Oni Tattoo!
Heres a fun one: a Japanese demon, or Oni, with a lopped of horn! Was it lost in an epic battle with some brave Samurai? Was it removed as a self-inflicted act of penance or redemption? Only the wearer may truly know...
Use Your Freedom of Choice!
In Ancient Rome there was a poem about a dog who had two bones. He picked at one. He licked the other. He went psycho- he dropped dead! Choose or Die!!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
The Timeless Flower
In a time where everyone attempts to have a meaningful tattoo experience, it never ceases to amaze me that a nice, simple flower can speak so many more words than some contrived, jumbled mess of symbols and characters ever could. If you want something deep and complex- something both vibrant and strikingly personal- I suggest you consider the timeless flower in any of it's forms. Candice and Gwen's designs are the proof in the petunia-pudding... 
It's Not a Real Tattoo Unless There's a Knife Through It!
Someone that I learned a lot from taught me that! This sweet banger is on Dan, who has many other tattoos featured on this blog. He really can pick a nice design. Thanks, Dan!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Here is the beginning stage of what will eventually be Jason's Japanese style bodysuit, which I am very grateful to have been asked to work on. In this chest panel are the Daruma dolls on a wind background. Daruma is the Japanese name for the Indian Monk Bodhidharma, who, through his works and meditation, brought Zen to China, where it is said to have spread from, and also formed the basis of the Shaolin teachings of Kung-Fu. These dolls are used to represent goals and wishes, one eye being painted in for the initial thought, and the other eye to be filled in when the goal is completed. They are burned in great piles at the Daruma Festival each year. I admire Jason, not only for his choice of subject matter and style, but for his patients, endurance, and dedication throughout the process so far. Thank you!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Owl Be There
Tonight was pretty freakin' sweet! Not only did I get to tattoo this awesome owl, but I got a better picture of this nice schooner as well! Maybe I should have shaved the leg, though.....
Monday, April 4, 2011
No Need to be Koi, Roy!
I've had the great fortune of having customers ask for some larger Japanese-style tattoos lately! It has turned out to be a nice chance to challenge myself, and to study art and tattoos from another culture. Myth and folklore are some of my favorite things to research- besides tattooing- so for these works, the process has been particularly awesome! Here are two photos of Japanese style Koi- one with a simple water composition as background on a chest panel, and the other depicting part of the heroic tale of Kintaro the Golden Boy on an upper thigh. Bushido!
Shin's Are In!
Chris came by and got this sweet Indian Lady tattooed right on his shin. The design is a Sailor Jerry original, and you can see why his art is so highly revered- even today! Good pick!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
The Many Faces of Death
Mike asked for," some skulls and shit" on his arm. Ten hours of tattooing later (broken in to sittings) he ended up with this crazy pile of bones. I think he was pretty stoked, but he was too busy arguing with his girlfriend to really tell...
Cover-ups are fun?!
You won't hear many tattooers say they enjoyed covering an old design up, but I have to admit- this was a fun one! It was really just the right design for the situation, and I feel like it turned out nice. The original design (shown first ;) was actually tattooed in the barracks in the early eighties, so there were all kinds of stories to be told during the session, as well. Of course, if I told any of them to you, I'd have to kill you...
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Abschied, Mr.Staygold!
As you may or may not know, our friend Sagent Staygold graces us with his presence from time to time, and bangs out some awesome work while he's here- and when I say work, I mean it. This Man put in over 45 hours in the mere four days he was here at Flying Tiger. I'm sure he'll post photos on his blog, which you can reach through our "people to watch" links. To tide you over, here are a couple of action shots of Sagent tattooing Gary, and a flick of the Panther I tattooed on his right hand the last day he was in town. Until next time, mein Freund!
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